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Munich 2006


If religious centers are your ball of wax, then Munich certainly has you covered. One of my favorite parts of nearly every church we visited was the 'before and after' photo section. As much of the city had been destroyed in WWII, putting the pieces of the churches back together had been given a high priority by the population.


Nowhere was this rebuilding more evident than in the most famous church in the city, the Church of Our Lady. Its 2 huge onion-shaped domes are distinctive landmarks of the city, and have been since the early 1500s. Although the church itself was bombed in the war, the towers stood. Reconstruction began almost at once, and today the inside is again a simple but soaring place of worship.


St. Michael's Church is the largest Renaissance church north of the Alps. Built in the  late 1500s, it is filled with statues of saints and graves of Bavaria's finest. One of the neatest little treats we had was being able to sit in on choir practice being held by a youth chorus. They were a bit embarrassed having us there at first (being used to singing anonymously in the choir loft), but they soon got over that.

We also stumbled into a tiny, ornately decorated chapel on the way back to our hostel. There was no room anywhere on the walls or ceilings - they were all filled with silver and bronze objects. We were there right before a service and watched the local nuns get everything in order, but left before we were asked to leave as the pews started filling up.

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